Skip ahead to:
- Outstanding Audit Lot Items
- Investment Snapshot
- Legal Overview
- Timeline
- My Economics
- Company Events
- Downloading Documents
The Overview page features high-level information on a single investment, including a summary of your fund's current position. As you scroll down the page, the information increases in granularity.
Outstanding Audit Lot Items
If an investment has Action Items, you'll see the 'Outstanding Audit Log Items' section at the top of the page.
Click 'Show Details' to generate an itemized list of your Audit Log Action Items, and select an Action Item to learn more; available investment data may be impacted by incorrect or missing documentation.
If an Item has been archived, it will be labeled as such.
Investment Snapshot
At the top of the Overview page, you can view the current state of the company, including stage, valuation, and money raised. Depending on the stage of the investment (active, public, exited, acquired), you'll see different data points highlighted.
Hover your mouse over any of these rounded values to get exact numbers which you can then copy-paste into Custom Fields or your external worksheets.
My Economics
In this section, you can view the economics of your participating fund(s) aggregated across financings. Aumni automatically determines your total cost and calculates the fully diluted percentage, implied value, and multiple so you don't have to.
Legal Overview
To the right of My Economics, view a summary of your legal positions in a portfolio company, such as whether you have information or pro rata rights, and if you hold a board seat.
Interact with a timeline of company events and transactions to map changes over time. By selecting data points, you can chart your economics and ownership at different company stages.
Hover and select a point on the timeline to view an event in detail. The economics on the left will adjust to reflect that date, and underlying transaction information will populate beneath.
To deselect an event, click anywhere in the timeline.
Company Events
The Company Events table lists a company's underlying events -- such as financings, stock splits, option pool changes, etc. -- along with the date and any relevant economics. Aumni defines an 'event' as a change to a company's legal structure, control, or capitalization, affecting all investors.
The event name is hyperlinked so that you can tack directly to an event's subpage for more information.
My Securities Held
From My Securities Held, you can quickly access summaries on your securities held, aggregated across tranches.
As a note, 'Implied Value' is an estimate by Aumni. To learn more about this calculation, reach out to your customer success team.
My Transactions
View a table of hyperlinked transactions that underlie company events and securities at the bottom of the page. You may see information on rounds that you have not participated in, which has been shared with Aumni via your co-investors.
Downloading Documents
You can immediately download any of the underlying documents that Aumni has summarized via the 'Download Document' button.
Click to pull up the PDF reader in order to view the source document.