Subsequent Closing Window notifications help you keep track of final closings across your investments, eliminating the need to manually track final document review collection. Get automatic reminders of when to reach out to a portfolio company for final closing documents, and then upload the final closing set to Aumni to ensure that your data is accurate and current.
What is a subsequent closing window? Why do I need to know when a subsequent closing window is closed?
After an initial closing, the company may be permitted under the Stock Purchase Agreement to close additional capital from new or existing investors for a set period of time. Once that subsequent closing window has closed, no more investments will be accepted as part of the equity financing round in question, and the financing documents will be finalized. It is essential to collect the final versions of the agreements because they will contain the latest and most complete capitalization information and a full list of investors for that equity financing round.
Subsequent Closing Window notifications make your life easier by notifying you that the closing window is approaching and when the window has closed (the day of). Aumni will then notify you 30 days after the close so that you may begin reaching out for the final documents. 120 days after close, the final closing set should be complete and ready for you to collect from the portfolio company or its legal counsel.
Where is Aumni sourcing the data that triggers the Subsequent Closing Window Notifications from?
The data we use to trigger the notifications are sourced from that financing’s Stock Purchase Agreement.
How many Subsequent Closing Window Notifications will I receive?
You will receive a total of four notifications. A notification is triggered for each of the following:
- 10 days prior to the Subsequent Closing Window end date
- Day of the Subsequent Closing Window end date
- 30 days after the Subsequent Closing Window end date
- 120 days after the Subsequent Closing Window end date
How will I receive the notifications?
You will be notified in-app and via email.
How can I turn off or skip Subsequent Closing Window notifications?
At this time, you will not be able to skip the reminder notifications (e.g., a ‘Don’t remind me again’ link or by uploading the final closing set to Aumni). However, if you want to turn off Subsequent Closing Window email notifications, you may customize the frequency of receiving all Aumni notifications in the Email Communication Settings. The frequency of the Subsequent Closing Window email notifications cannot be distinguished from the other notifications you receive from Aumni.
To learn more about viewing and customizing Notifications generally, read this article.