Getting started with your Aumni Account

Skip ahead to:

  1. Activating your account
  2. Setting up your login credentials 
  3. Uploading documents
  4. Sharing the right documents
  5. Editing your user Settings 
  6. Customizing your Notifications 
  7. Adding users 
  8. Viewing your organization's Settings 

To get access to the Aumni platform, simply contact your Customer Success team and request credentials to begin. Depending on whether your firm is new to Aumni or you're a new user for an existing Aumni account, your Aumni instance may look slightly different from this guide and tutorial--however, the core steps remain the same regardless of how long your firm has been an Aumni customer. 

In this guide, you will learn how to get started with your Aumni account, including important initial workflows like establishing your credentials, logging in, sharing documents, adding other users, and more.

Activating your account

Let your Customer Success team know that you would like Aumni access and then check your inbox for an email from our team with the subject 'Welcome to Aumni. Make sure to check your spam or promotions folder if you don’t see it in your inbox.


In order to activate your account, click the email link to access your account setup page and then set your password. The welcome email will expire after 5 days. 

If the email link is expired, you can still set up your Aumni account by:

    1. Going to
    2. Entering your email address when prompted on the login page
    3. Selecting 'Forgot Password' and then following the steps to set up your account


Going forward, you can log in to your Account via and then entering your email address and password when prompted. Bookmark this page so it's easy to return to in the future.

Setting up your login credentials 

After you've activated your account, enter your work email and choose a secure password. 


You'll receive a notification alerting you to a successful change, and then will automatically be redirected to the login page. Enter your new credentials here. 

If it's your first time logging in, if you've reset your password, or if you have two-factor authentication set up, you'll be asked to confirm your account enrollment via SMS. Enter your phone number to receive a 6-digit code, and then input that code when asked.


Once you've confirmed your account, you'll also be asked to accept the User Acceptance Agreement to access Aumni. 

Uploading documents

After you activate your account and log in, you'll be redirected to the Documents section of the Aumni platform. If your firm is new to Aumni, the platform may look bare to you right now, but as time goes on and more documents undergo Aumni Audit, you’ll see your data populate and more features will become available.


Aumni requires 2 types of files to begin ingesting and extracting your data: 

  1. A Schedule of Investments, or deal tracker
  2. The deal documents or closing sets for all of the deals you would like to track in Aumni 

Upload or drag and drop your PDF files, or entire folders, into the submission box to begin. As a note, Aumni requires the final, executed PDFs of your deal documents to ensure the utmost data accuracy. Read this Common FAQ to learn why we request final PDFs.mceclip6.png

Click the hyperlinked filename to preview your files before you submit them. To learn more about uploading and previewing documents, check out this article.
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Once you upload your documents, Aumni will immediately begin processing your submissions.

Sharing the right documents

Click the ‘Help’ button to get an itemized list of the exact information and document types required by Aumni.


Toggle between the tabs to source the required fields for your Deal Tracker or Schedule of Investments, a list of the documents required for common transaction and security types, as well as a list of documents or information required for each Exit type supported by Aumni.


For a complete list of which fields and documents to share with Aumni, read this article. 

Editing your user Settings 

To edit and update your Settings, click your name and select ‘Settings’ from the side navigation bar.


Go to 'Your Profile' under 'General Information' to edit your name and password. You may need to contact your Customer Success team or to change your email address.  mceclip9.png

To reset your password, or to see what type of authentication method is used by your firm, go to 'Security.'


If your firm has Single Sign-On (SSO) enabled, you will need your organization's administrator to contact to edit your username and password, or to disable SSO. 


Customizing your Notifications

Under 'Email Notifications Settings,' you can customize the frequency of which you receive email Notifications so you always stay up-to-date on your organization’s activity. Track newly added information, such as funds, investments, or users now live on the platform and be alerted to maturity dates, missing documents, and more regarding your Aumni data. 


Adding users 

To add users, including service providers, go to your Team Settings. To learn more about user management, read this article


Viewing your organization's Settings 

If your firm has API access, you can access your API token and additional information from your Settings via the 'Organization' tab. For further questions regarding the Aumni API, check out this article.  


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