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A Company Page is a detailed investment summary comprised of several subpages that highlight critical term data, allow you to download documents, and let you click into associated financings. By organizing structured investment data in this way, Aumni makes it simple for you to get to the data points you need when you need them.
To find additional guides on each subpage, scroll to the bottom of this article or go to the Portfolio section in the Help Center.
Accessing a Company Page
You can access a Company Page from your Portfolio or Reports.
Click ‘Go to Company Page’ from any Investment Summary to be redirected to an investment profile.
Additionally, Company Pages are also hyperlinked in Reports.
Navigating a Company Page
Once you've clicked into a Company Page, you can toggle to subpages via the menu bar on the top right of the platform, including:
- Overview
- Company Details
- Liq Pred
- Capitalization
- Co-Investors